Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hypocrisy "R" Us


Bush wanted the other terrorist nations to become Democracies so we were fighting to simply hold the line, that I failed to understand. And now I hear the liberal progressive wise guys like President Barack Obama saying that we must leave the terror nations. So again the United States Military is not used to really win the fight.

Are you kidding me Mr. President and not to go ahead and truly defeat the terror nation’s military. 

No! So says the Washington DC establishment leading the Western Hemisphere, that we must not under any circumstance beat the Middle Eastern terror nation’s military.

I swear to all the poetic God's of war with my very anguished prayer. That we the American people are still worthy of your inheritance only for the hypocritical people now leader us. Dear God's of war please send us a new leader who will lead our population to victory, and win back your favor of us once more.

Victory is what we really want now with an unconditional surrender from our enemies, who will be made to kiss our American flag or die.

Charlie Hebdo fallout: Specter of fascist past haunts European nationalism

By Jacob Heilbrunn
January 13, 2015

When up to a dozen world leaders and roughly 1.5 million people gathered in Paris on Sunday to mourn the murder of 10 editors and cartoonists of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and seven other people by three French-born Islamic radicals, they wanted to demonstrate that Europe will always embrace liberal and tolerant values.

But the more telling event may turn out to be a counter-rally that took place at a 17th-century town hall in Beaucaire, France, that was led by Marine Le Pen, the leader of the far-right National Front. In Beaucaire, the crowd ended Le Pen’s rally by singing the French national anthem and chanting, “This is our home.”

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