Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How long does a social bubble last?

So whoever the next President of the United States is going to be they will get the responsibility of what this President Barack Obama will not face now? That the ISIS terrorist are gaining ground in the attempt to once again return to the Ottoman empire in the Middle East and will in time become a direct threat to the United States, and the rest of this world Governments.
Then the American people can finally tell the new President of the United States to go clean the terrorist plow once and for all, and to not give any quarters to the country of Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, every again.

Russia is not going to afford what Putin military ambition want so that leave only China to worry about, because China is a horse of a different color that simply keep getting the equal to that of the Unites States military power and might..

Obama can’t wish away terrorism

By Michael Gerson Opinion writer January 19 at 7:17 PM

President Obama’s 2014 State of the Union address is remembered today mainly for this bit of rhetorical irony: “America must move off a permanent war footing.” 

It was the triumph of speechwriting over experience. Obama’s pledge came about three weeks after the fall of Fallujah to the Islamic State. By June, Mosul would be overrun. Global jihadism now has a cause — Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s sham caliphate — around which to rally. It controls unprecedented territory and resources. It has a stream of thousands of Western recruits cycling in and out of the Middle East. And it encompasses a dangerous competition between the Islamic State and al-Qaeda, in which acts of terrorism are a source of street credibility. 


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