Tuesday, January 20, 2015

That embarrassing

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?
Matthew 6:25

When the clothes that they wear are better than they are.
When President Barack Obama walks into the House of Representatives chamber of the United States Capitol to deliver the 2015 state of the Union to Congress and everyone else. I will feel embarrassed to even be looking at this terrible abuse of power by President Barack Obama and just about everyone who will be inside that chamber.
Because truly the clothes on their back is better than they are as all of the people who belong to the Washington DC establishment entrusted to run the American people U.S. Government are ugly liars. Lying about everything that they are doing and are not doing in the interest of the American people. No! All that the members of the DC establishment do is keep using the American people to go on voting them into office, election after election. Saying anything and making any promise knowing all along that they will only do what is best for them, and their self-interest. And that they don't care at all about you are I.
So I will feel embarrassed knowing that as soon as my child grows older that they will also understand about just what an ugly rip off that the men and women in our country's Government have been doing to our United States countryman all down through the decades. So as the honorable hypocrites of the worst kind who are running the three branches of United States Government in Washington DC assemble, to applaud each other. I will of course turn the TV station because the embarrassing things that I can’t change are not worth my attention.

Ann Coulter 

January 14, 2015

"Right before our eyes, Democrats are colluding with colleges to create a market bubble for an increasingly worthless product, and they're doing it by making the exact same promise that banks made about home mortgages before the housing market crash: Sure it's a lot, but it's an investment in your future!

Instead of hauling college administrators to court, Democrats are active participants in the fraud, acting as Big Education's carnival barkers. It's as if the government is telling people: "If you don't smoke, you'll never be cool."

Why is the left not willing to admit that education is an industry, just like Lockheed Martin, Enron or Philip Morris? Democrats love to rail about the high costs of everything else -- pharmaceuticals, health care, mortgages, missile systems, contraception and so on. College is a business, too -- a cartel that fixes prices, preys on teenagers and lies to consumers.

But liberals won't make a peep about the College Industrial Complex because college professors are brainwashing students into leftist politics. Every year, another 10 million graduates emerge, hating God, their parents, America and Republicans. For this, parents are spending $50,000 a year.

The education industry is how leftists make capitalists pay for socialism. It was a smart move for cultural Marxists to capture the country's education establishment. GOOD THINKING, CULTURAL MARXISTS!

It's not the fault of the students that they're getting a crappy product at inflated prices. They've been lied to by shady education peddlers, including the Democratic Party.

Let's see if the middle class is more interested in the cost of college tuition or the Democrats' endless global warming initiatives."


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