Where are the TV Networks going now with this dated Tweedledee and Tweedledum Washington DC establishment Show? Meaning the Republican and Democratic political parties feast on the American people blood and treasure. How long must we witness the demise of our own body's and life?
I have built up a resistance to this vulgar boring rerun of
the TV elitist saying the same jokes and using the same social TV hypothesis as
before. Class warfare is like watching a cartoon that I just can't stand to
look at anymore. Because the wasted generation who have been used by these very
ugly honorable people are only the replay of people who have sold their mortal
soul to the devil.
And as the United States media censor out the conservative
narrative in favor of the liberal talking points this fix Washington DC
political game to keep controlling the favor of the madding crowd is simply getting too much for my old eyes to look at anymore.
I seem to also notice that I am not alone feeling this way
about the same old U.S. Government rip off every day.
Ruth Bader
Ginsburg Appears to Fall Asleep During State of the Union
10:23 PM, Jan 20, 2015 • By DANIEL HALPER
I give Ruth Bader Ginsburg 5 minutes…
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