Could we simply be traveling from one Universe into the other in a long never ending chain of pushing and pulling the worlds that we live on in the large number of solar systems around us. And that our big bang theory from where we started from is not that way at all? What we thought was a reverse picture that traced the real story back into a large explosion, is simply wrong.
The speed and movement of the matter making up the solar systems did not get started from a giant explosion from a very dense mass of pure energy because that is where your vision goes blind looking at nothing at all. But rather our heavenly bodies have been traveling here and there from one Universe after another for a longer time. I look at what we see now and say that this Universe looks like one extended long chains of life into a Universes as far as time itself.
great explosion in our Universe are not so much the birth and death of our life
but only the violent part of it. That the chemistry of matter and energy making
up the small and larger parts of our world is the process that make what we see
and study. Our life cycle in a longer chain of time and space is a mystery that
we keep pressing to understand before our time runs out. The looming question
then is how does the life we live work, and why?
I think that we were born into a larger place then what we
seem to thinks sometimes and what we don't know is too much for us to be saying
anything absolute about our Universe as we know it now. This time and place of
you and I is truly a mystery like no other and that your guess is as good as
mind. It looks like that we were all made from the same thing, stardust. And what does that tell us?
Genesis 1 - The Beginning.
3 And
God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw
that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God
called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was
evening, and there was morning—the first day.
Can you
solve some of the world’s biggest UFO mysteries? Rare microfilms of alien
sightings are now available online for free
- The files relate to USAF investigations into UFO from 1947-1969
- They were conducted under 'Project Blue Book' which ended in 1970
- More than 700 cases remain unsolved, accounting for 5.5% of the files
Published: 19:31 EST, 13 January 2015 | Updated: 00:57 EST,
14 January 2015
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2908998/Can-solve-world-s-biggest-UFO-mysteries-Rare-microfilms-alien-sightings-available-online-free.html#ixzz3OoWZzBAI
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