Friday, February 27, 2015

The Munich Agreement


The Munich Agreement by Neville Chamberlain said he could deal with Hitler but that choice simply turn lose what were to be the beginnings of World War II. And Neville Chamberlain was going to be very wrong in making that appeasement deal with Hitler, for all eternity.

A foreign policy blunder that cost the lives of 40 000 000 million people in a World War against Germany when in the beginning of Hitler's military buildup in the late 1930s could have been quenched and contained at a much less price in wealth and human life. Is history going to repeat itself in the likes of Barack Obama because he has a self-liberal image of a morally superior person than you and me? And is hoping to make a nuclear enrichment deal with Iran who really want a nuclear bomb in the nose of an ICBM missile heading for Israel and Washington DC and that Barack Obama think will not happen?

Don't you think that the wise thing is to be very leery with Iran who is being very aggressive in the Middle East by supporting Terrorist activity, to gain more political power over that region of the World populachion. And for the President of the United States to go back to working at forming a strong coalition of nations who will not tolerate a nuclear armed Iran. We the people don't need another weak agreement with another country with a mad man like Hitler that is only going to lead everyone into a greater World War with nuclear destruction that can destroy this civilized world..
"England has been offered a choice between war and shame. She has chosen shame, and will get war."

Phares: Christian communities pleaded for protection

Feb. 27, 2015 - 6:31 - Too little, too late? Fox News Middle East analyst weighs in


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