Friday, July 31, 2015

Our country is now a disgrace and shamed population, thanks to a fool.

Thomas Williams

Barack Obama broke your country word, to finish rebuilding until Iraq society has regain a stable social inner structure. Obama quit on the population in Iraq, for his own selfish reasons.

Now our Government is stained a louse by Obama lack of character to the world. 

CAESAR. "Cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant never taste of death but once."

Frankly my heart is broken after Barack Obama pulled out all of the American military in spite of the best advice to at least have enough military to keep a watch out for something very bad from engulfing a fragile still unfinished Government in Iraq. So Obama left and these bloodthirsty Isis zealots took that opportunity to plunder over the innocent Christians and Jews, left naked to fend for themselves. And of course we have seen the carnage of murder, rape, and worse kind of torture. Barack Obama was really not interested in having a shooting war with any other country because that just played against what he wanted.

To keep spending the United States treasure on Obama domestic social goals and political gains that he could advance for his progressive liberal point of view. So I am very embarrassed for my countrymen that the United States Government is now seen as a sell out double crossing bad population, which is now an object of disgrace and shame to the rest of this world countries.

I only now hope that our next President can somehow repair those very bad mistakes that Barack Obama made so far, because our country is now a disgrace and shamed population thanks to a fool President who did not know, what he did not know.

Syrian Christians and the English Jew

By Charles Krauthammer Opinion writer July 30 at 8:02 PM
Christianity, whose presence in the Middle East predates Islam’s by 600 years, is about to be cleansed from the Middle East. Egyptian Copts may have found some respite under President Abdel Fatah al-Sissi, but after their persecution under the previous Muslim Brotherhood government, they know how precarious their existence in 90 percent Muslim Egypt remains. Elsewhere, it’s much worse.

Twenty-one Copts were beheaded by the Islamic State affiliate in Libya for the crime of being Christian. In those large swaths of Syria and Iraq where the Islamic State rules, the consequences for Christians are terrible — enslavement, exile, torture, massacre, crucifixion.

Over the decades, many Middle Eastern Christians, seeing the rise of political Islam and the intensification of savage sectarian wars, have simply left. Lebanon’s Christians, once more than half the population, are now estimated at about a third. The number of Christians under Palestinian Authority rule in the West Bank has dwindled — in Bethlehem, for example, dropping by half. (The exception, of course, is Israel, where Christians, Arab and non-Arab, enjoy not just protection but civil rights. Their numbers are increasing. But that’s another story.)

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