Wednesday, August 19, 2015

And they don't like it.

Thomas Williams

Well! Now we know because Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Marco Rubio, and the other Republican Presidential candidates. Along with the Democratic Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and the other Democrats. Said that they would not stop illegals people from coming across the southern borders because they don't want to, no matter what the United States laws is. No deportation of children who were born in American that automatic made them a U.S. citizen. Even if that use of the 14 amendment were obvious abuse in the true intent of that citizenship law.

Only Donald Trump would go to court and Congress to truly change that abuse of the 14 amendment citizenship law. By the other foreign populations like Mexican citizens who are running across the American borders to have a baby in America to make that baby a citizen of the United States in that abusing way. Skirting the intent of the 14th Amendment Law born in American that is automatic making that person a citizen. That was written to free the people who were slaves back into citizenship of the United States, and not for people living on the other side of this country borders to hop back and forth across that border to give birth and receive automatic citizenship for that baby. Are you kidding us DC establishment/media/courts?
Donald Trump said that we the population in America must take this country back and enforce this country's laws come hell or high water. Restoring the honesty and truth back into our country laws, and not just used the law for men and woman political convenience. Donald Trump is the honest sheriff that everyone is looking for, and all the rest are not.

The DC establishment/media like the wink and nod way of using this country's laws for their own political reasons. So all the lies and all the hand and glove Government and media political schemes, cannot put the Washington DC Humpty Dumpty back together again.

And that the American people are really seeing how the Washington DC establishment/media have been running this country's Government, thanks to the internet. So the American people are seeing that the media/DC establishment are skirting the laws and calling that legal for their own self-serving reasons.

And they don't like it.

Hillary shrugs off question about whether she 'wiped' her server clean – 'What, like with a cloth or something?' – as she insists 'I did not send classified material' on her secret email account

  • Clinton told reporters she is sure she never sent or received 'material that was marked or designated classified' through her private email account 
  • Such a marking or stamp, she said, 'is the way you know whether something is' classified
  • An aide to a Republican member of the Senate Intelligence Committee fired back:  The way you decide if something is classified, when you're the secretary of state, isn't looking for a stamp. It's looking at the contents'
  • 'This is the worst buck-passing I've seen since Hillary's husband decided there was more than one way to define the word "is"'
By David Martosko, Us Political Editor For
Published: 18:16 EST, 18 August 2015 | Updated: 23:06 EST, 18 August 2015


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