Thursday, August 27, 2015

What is that for heaven’s sake, another TV Superman Show?

Thomas Williams

This is absolute a true observation by this writer about Megyn Kelly journalist abilities on Fox News, that doesn't really exists in her TV Show. And that she is obviously only using the news of the day as a front to her real intent as just another thrill seeking freak TV personality.

Megyn Kelly doesn't really care about Donald Trump from anyone else, and is only going to use him, or someone else, for her own TV Show for ratings sake, the more sensational the merrier.

Megyn Kelly is not really interested in truth, justice, or the American way, what is that for heaven’s sake, another TV Superman Show?
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The Megyn/Jorge Interview

Megyn Kelly likes to consider herself a journalist. Actually Megyn Kelly likes to consider herself a good journalist who asks tough questions. I'd like to know where that journalist was during her interview with Jorge Ramos.

The Jorge Ramos interview was nothing but a soapbox for Hillary Clinton and this is obvious because Kelly failed to ask about his daughters association with the former Secretary of State. This seems like a pretty obvious question to me for any reporter much less one who claims to be tough.

Kelly allowed Ramos to prattle on almost completely uninterrupted for the entire 7 minute segment. Though in truth it would have been difficult for her to get in a word edgewise with this self righteous clown, that is after all her job and what she is know for. Instead she behaved like a timid little school girl while Ramos appeared to be reading from a script on his desk.

What Megyn Kelly did was completely drop the ball on a major opportunity to redeem herself. Had she gone after Ramos the way she had gone after trump during the debate she could have legitimized her claim that she is a tough journalist who asks tough question but instead she came off as just another media hack with a narrative to tell. She was like a deer caught in the headlights.

FOX News should have taken a hint from the other media sources in America who in one way or another justified Trumps actions in having Ramos removed and also applauded Trump allowing Ramos to return later presumably after Ramos had collected himself. The last thing Jorge Ramos was doing was acting like a responsible journalist regardless of Kellys comments to the contrary.

I kinda like Megyn Kelly and was pretty happy when she got her own show but Megyn and FOX News are making it harder and harder to like her with each passing day. They have managed to convince themselves that they are right but the problem is they can't seem to convince the public they are right.

It will be very interesting to see their ratings the next time Nealson publishes them. They just might have to get off their high horse for the first time in a long time. They seem to be losing their constituency.
Starring Megyn Kelly:

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