Thursday, August 27, 2015

I like this colum


1 day ago

Trump is currently the frontrunner in the GOP race, and he has now reached an all-time high in the polls.

Since he may have this election in the bag, Trump has already started thinking about who he will be appointing to his administration. Last week, the business mogul announced that he is considering making former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin his Vice President. Days later, rumors spread that Trump would appoint Ann Coulter to be his Homeland Security Chief. Earlier this month, Trump also announced plans to make billionaire Carl Icahn his Secretary of Treasury.

There has been quite a bit of controversy over the Republican debate as well as who will be Trump’s running mate. According to Business Insider, Donald Trump said that he would consider running alongside Megyn Kelly in the 2016 election.

“Certainly, I would consider a woman as a running mate,” the high-flying Trump told Michael Sneed of CBS-Chicago. “I am all for the concept. It would have to be the right person and I’m not going to go into who that would be right now. But I have great respect for women. I have great respect for women who are executives in my company. I have great respect for women’s judgment.”
Republicans have had a difficult time in the past when it comes to attracting women to their campaigns. Minorities and Hispanics tend to support national republican tickets but women can’t seem to get on board.

There is a new poll that states that Iowa caucus-goers that say that they think maybe Trump is running against the gender gap. Even though he leads all of the other nominees, nothing is for certain.
So if Trump does not pick Kelly as his running mate who might he pick?
  • Susana Martinez – Governor of New Mexico
  • Nikki Haley – Governor of South Carolina
  • Kelly Ayotte – Governor of New Hampshire
  • Joni Ernst – Senator of Iowa
  • Condoleeza Rice – Former Secretary of State
  • Sarah Palin – Former Governor of Alaska
Who do you think Trump’s running mate should be? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section. Read more...

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