Thursday, August 27, 2015

Who might he pick?....Super babe Ann Coulter or;


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On ‘anchor babies’: ‘Maybe it’d be better to keep their mouths shut’

(Mediaite) – Ann Coulter introduced Donald Trump at his rally in Iowa today, and she had a lot to say about their mutual favorite subject: immigration.

Coulter backed up Trump on the issue of deporting immigrants, even the ones with “anchor babies.” She mocked the liberal media for considering that a controversial statement and calling them “speech Nazis.”

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She expressed her gratefulness to Trump that the media is actually talking about this issue and sanctuary cities and the border wall (“I love the idea of the Great Wall of Trump”), and declared, “I have not had this much hope for America since November 7th, 2012.”

She surmised that maybe it was destiny that Mitt Romney lost and the GOP betrayed the right on immigration “to pave the way for President Donald Trump.”
You can watch part of her speech here:

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Thomas Williams · 
Randolph University: So if Trump does not pick Megyn Kelly as his running mate, who might he pick?....Super babe Ann Coulter or;

Susana Martinez – Governor of New Mexico
Nikki Haley – Governor of South Carolina
Kelly Ayotte – Governor of New Hampshire
Joni Ernst – Senator of Iowa
Condoleeza Rice – Former Secretary of State
Sarah Palin – Former Governor of Alaska.

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