Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Why are we hurting each other like that?

Thomas Williams

That people on television talk to us as authority figures who are stooping to dirty tricks in making the other guy look bad, that seems to be contagious in 2015. Yes Fox News Charles Krauthammer does that in that way! Even though he knows better, because I noticed that Charles Krauthammer is not a fair fighter when he is pushing his own point of view about politics, in the way he want it to be. Your political point of view is neither here or there with Charles Krauthammer that make him look just like an Ivy League snob, and much like President Barack Obama who he keeps railing against morning, noon, and night.
I keep getting upset with Barack Obama trying to make other people into something that they are not. And creating an unrealistic dream state around our reality, that feel creepy if you ask me. But I also lost a lot of respect in Charles Krauthammer because I thought that he was better than getting unfair with other people point of view also. And I am very tired of the Ivy League telling everyone that they are always one step ahead of everyone else.

I don't know why President Barack Obama keeps trying to make other people into something that they are not. And I keep hoping that my countryman stand up for your right to worship openly, and freely, as a Christian showing your respect for Jesus Christ, our Lord and God.

That is why we all go to Church in the first place, to show God respect. And no one is going to come in between me showing my respect to Jesus Christ. And why should I stop doing that when and wherever I want? Everyone knows of course that the Muslims, Jews, Christians, all pray to the same God right.

That the Muslin’s respect Jesus Christ as a
Prophet of God, that the Jews think that Jesus Christ is a heretic, and that the Christians think that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, one in the same spirit. Muslim's say that Muhammad spoke the words directly from God, and that the Jews are still waiting for the real messiah.

But we all worship the same one and only God and I keep wondering just why are we really trying to hurt each other over worshiping the same God. Over the difference that we are born with to worship in different areas of this planet. Can’t we do better than that?

Only on The Brody File: Religious Leaders Meet, Pray with Donald Trump


David Brody

CBN News Chief Political Correspondent

Only on The Brody File:

GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump met and prayed with about 40 religious leaders and pastors in his Trump Tower office Monday afternoon.

Among the attendees were televangelists Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, conservative evangelical Christian Pastor David Jeremiah, TBN religious broadcaster Jan Crouch, Pastor Paula White, Jews For Jesus Rabbi Kirt Schneider and Pastor Darrell Scott.

The meeting lasted roughly two and a half hours and ended with pastors gathering around Trump and laying their hands on him in prayer. Kenneth Copeland, Paula White, and Rabbi Schneider prayed during that time, asking the Lord to give the GOP presidential frontrunner wisdom, stability and knowledge necessary to pursue this endeavor. They also prayed for America and for God's will to be done.


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