Friday, December 11, 2015

Christianity down through the years.

Thomas Williams

Donald Trump strong man attraction will only keep getting more popular to Americans if Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, Marcos Rubio, starts playing the middle Republican establishment against the end, where all the Regan Democrats, Independence, Tea Party Republicans begin.

The Washington DC establishment still think that they are controlling their Television Audience with the same old moral obligation politics. With what happen in our past where no one can redress history with today's mindset and life styles. Because frankly that is impossible and the Ivy League wise guys were using that moral obligation guilt complex to help power the Washington DC establishment political control over you and me. For the DC Liberal Progressive Movements self serving wealth and power reasons that we know about today.

But the fanatical Islam Muslim terrorist have sobered up the American people common sense now. And the DC establishment media can’t believe that they are still not in control of the American people voting pattern, with that same old moral obligation guilt complex as a social political con. 

Donald Trump is breaking that Ivy League wise guy political control spell with the help of all our  real life experienced, and of course with all this terrorist carnage, and death....

Мы-христиане, прихожане Храма Гроба Господня в Иерусалиме. Испанский, русский, английский язык.

Иерусалимская свеча Vela de Jerusalén's video.


Red - Christianity
Green - Islam
Mary, Did You Know?

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