Thursday, December 10, 2015

Obey the law or else, is a two way street.

Thomas Williams

Who in their right mind would shoot down a unruly black person in the city streets of Chicago who is in his early 20, late teen, without due process of the law. And that means arresting him with as little violence as possible.

But the police car camera recorded that policeman doing did just, and who covered up and lied about what really happen instead. And the disrespecting of the young man who was murdered life simply spread out into the greater City of Chicago Population. By the other people in the police department, and even the Mayors office.

The policeman who shot that person seem like someone who was too lazy to carry out his officer's arrest responsibilities, and truly did not respect that young mans life at all by shooting him dead instead.

The Mayor and police department of Chicago helped cover up that very bad crime of that police officer. So is it any wonder that the people living in Chicago doesn't have confidants in Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and the rest of the people who tried to cover up that horrible crime anymore.

I feel good about the citizens of Chicago demanding the Mayor of Chicago step down, because they are of course right. And deserve a new election so the people can feel more confidant in the new Mayor. The people who work and live in the Chicago streets where that lazy policeman shot that young black man are of course infuriated, and I don't blame them at all. So if I lived in Chicago I would also be supporting the people who want another Mayor of Chicago too.

The people living in Chicago want the Police and Mayor to obey the law also. Because obeying the law or else is a two way street, and what is right is right for everyone.

Coalition for a New Chicago to gather support for bill to allow recall of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel

Group aims to gather support for Chicago mayor recall bill

Thursday, December 10, 2015 05:14PM

An effort is underway to recall Mayor Rahm Emanuel for his part in the Chicago Police Department crisis.

As controversy surrounding the police misconduct scandal continues, a bill has been introduced in Springfield that would make it possible to vote a Chicago mayor out of office.

"It is important that citizens have the right to recall their representatives the elected officials," said Rev. Gregory Livingston, Coalition for a New Chicago.

They want Emanuel ousted from the mayor's office before the 2019 elections.

"We're not going to wait three years. We're going to get this done now," Livingston said.

"Recent polls have shown that 51 percent of the citizens of Chicago want Rahm Emanuel out and I'm sure it's even greater than that," said Carlos Perez, an activist.

After two weeks of demonstrations demanding the mayor quit, Emanuel has refused to resign.

"People of all races say enough is enough," said State Rep. La Shawn Ford, D-Chicago, who co-sponsored House Bill 4356. If made into law and 90,000 city voters sign petitions, a special recall election would be held and the mayor would have to win a majority to serve what then-remained of his term.

"It has to go through the House. It has to go to the Senate for passage and then on to the desk of the governor," Ford said.

An Emanuel spokesman wrote: "The mayor's focus is not on his own personal politics. His focus is on the residents of this city and finally and fully addressing the issue of police accountability..."

"Investigate Rahmgate! Rahm must go!" said Dr. Matt Harrington, an activist.



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