Friday, December 11, 2015

Donald Trump vs Washington DC establishment.


Why take the Trump stunt seriously?

By Charles Krauthammer Opinion writer December 10 at 8:52 PM 
So how exactly does this work, Donald Trump’s plan to keep America safe from Islamic terrorism by barring entry to all Muslims? He explained it Tuesday on TV. The immigration official will ask the foreigner if he’s a Muslim.

“And if they said, ‘yes,’ they would not be allowed in the country?”
Trump: “That’s correct.”

Brilliant. And very economical. That is, if you think that bloodthirsty terrorists — “people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life,” as Trump describes them — will feel honor-bound to tell the truth to an infidel customs officer. They kill wantonly but, like George Washington, cannot tell a lie. On this logic hinges the great Maginot Line with which Trump will protect America from jihad.


2:51 PM EST [Edited]
"Inviting in a peoples." You must be a Trump supporter with grammar like that.

Muslims, unfortunately, are not a "people" (or a "peoples"). There are Muslims of every ethnicity and many nationalities. Some are very secular, some are very religious, some are traditional, some are more modern in outlook, some are bad and most (including many I know) are good family-oriented, ambitious, and generous folks you'd be proud to have as friends and neighbors. Exactly the same as Christians or any other religion.

The categorical error is that you think "Muslims" are a "them." Many Muslims are already "us." There are hundreds of thousands of Muslim American citizens, if not millions. They have the same rights you do. You don't get to decide whether that's true. You are entitled to your bigotry. You aren't entitled to be the boss of other citizens.
2:55 PM EST
This is an excellent retort, and you can shout it the live-long day but those who need to hear it won't. This month is Hate-All-Muslims Month, brought to you courtesy of the republicans. Muslim-hating will take its place on the rotating hysteria roster now being propounded as serious ideas by the far right.
2:43 PM EST
Republicans, one of these days, are going to blame Obama for their Trump problemsSmile
2:43 PM EST
Seriously, you and your friends are, in forgivable ignorance, inviting in a peoples who believe and teach the Koran is the final word.
If that is true, then I ask, how can we ignore the final teachings of Muhammad in any intelligent discussion of this religion?
"123. O ye who believe! fight the unbelievers who gird you about, and let them find firmness in you: and know that Allah is with those who fear Him."
2:44 PM EST
Or the second to last set of instructions?
:"5:51 O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. He among you who taketh them for friends is (one) of them. Lo! Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk."
2:55 PM EST
Mr. YaNo, I don't take the Koran very seriously, nor the Bible, for that matter. It is possible to quote from any book of that sort to support pretty much any position.

"Scriptures" seldom encourage people to observe and think for themselves, though.
2:40 PM EST
You bought him, you take him home to the kids.
2:40 PM EST
NoLeftTurn, why did you say there was maleware attached to the link I posted below? You know that is a lie. How do you ever expect anyone to take you seriously? You are a fraud.
2:38 PM EST
"The Old Testament"
First, the US is primarily Christian, founded by Christians with the understanding that Christianity would be majority.

Second, it is "Old" so that implies a "New". Clearly the teachings of Yeshua are not wholly the same as the Torah.

Third, the existence of one doesn't mean you must ignore another. Especially one which is currently threatening your people.

"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him)."At-Tawba 9-123

"17Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men. 18If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. 19Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," says the Lord." Romans 12

Yup, they look exactly the same to me.
2:39 PM EST
Its hard to keep track of which magic sky daddy is doing what
2:40 PM EST
Straw man.
The point is Jihadi violence and solution.
2:41 PM EST
Have you read the Old Testament? Same sort of stuff
2:52 PM EST
Psalm 137:9 Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them agains the rocks.
YaNo2,I have read through the whole bible well over 20 times in as many years. I am a sincere Christian. And, I can match you several "ugly" passages from the bible for every one you find in the Quran. Your terrible error is that you begin with a conclusion, and a negative one, and then cherry pick the evidence. Neither life, nor logic works like that.
Thomas Williams
2:38 PM EST
Isn't it just insidious in how these media people are talking and writing like they are some kind of moralist, unbelievable?

This is just awful looking at these newspapers writers be so perverted who are trying to vilify Donald Trump. When it is the media who are the ones being arrogant, and self-serving, calling other people name’s like red necks, who are uneducated.

One of the things about Donald Trump is that he knows what team that he is fight for, and that is a very powerful thing.

If Trump doesn't win, we are going to get Hillary Clinton because it is getting down to double or nothing.

The people who the DC establishment has seduced with feeling morally responsible for people who were Slaves, Indians, Mexicans, in America past history, have fallen for that political con by the millions and who think like minded with the Ivy League liberal media wants. So that is the real harm that these media race merchants have done to our country’s population, harming the peoples freedom of speech, and behavior.

If the American public elect Hillary Clinton shame on us, because everyone know what you are getting in Hillary Clinton. Total and absolute Government corruption from Hillary's own brand of socialism.
There is no need for the media to "vilify" Donald Trump. Anyone who ever had a high school civics class or has read the U.S. Constitution, knows that everything he stands for is against all our American values. He missed his chance to be born in Nazi Germany. I guess you did too.
Thomas Williams
2:45 PM EST
What should really worry the liberal politicians, media, and Hillary Clinton, is that they are now so disconnected with their audience, and the American people like you and me.

No one around me dislikes Muslim per se just because they are Muslim, but simply understand that the terrorist are Islamic Muslims. And the American people of all religion, and races, must get a hand on these terror attack like the San Bernardino massacre.

It is not the American people fault that these Islamic Muslims have become blood sucking pestilence now roaming across the college campus, countryside, and world, full of fanatical religious revenge.

I think that the Ivy League academia wise guys have lost their minds calling the people living in a traditional American way of life ugly bad names, like bigots, or worse.

And I keep feeling like something else is in the underlining motivation behind the liberal Ivy League people talking and behaving like the American people are always the reason that other people want to harm them.

And that kind of liberal political speech now on television has becoming very old news that is full of nothing but bull talk to me. So what in the Hell do the liberals like President Barack Obama expect from us, to disarm, and allow yourself to be murdered? Our American media is behaving unbearable bad in the way that they are accusing other people of the very thing that they themselves are guilty of, in this political self-serving way.

I don't know if Donald Trump will be a good President, how could I? But so far Trump is much better then this liberal Democratic Party, media, who has made a horrible mess out of our US Government ability to simply defend ourselves.

2:43 PM EST
And by the way, he will NEVER be elected. He has maxed out at 35% of the Republican Party -- the party that welcomes right wing racists -- and you morons don't even make up a majority of THAT party!
2:45 PM EST [Edited]
And, you people have been totally SUCKERED by them. They only court your vote so that once they get elected they can give tax cuts to the rich and slavishly serve the big corporations. So the joke is on you!
2:38 PM EST
That's why Carson is the best and only answer for POTUS
2:38 PM EST
The guy who likes to make up stories about himself?
2:39 PM EST
Hard to tell what is sarcasm lately.
2:36 PM EST [Edited]
With Trump and his supporters nothing about this is subject to logic or reason. To presume or act otherwise is to miss the point. This is about fear and faith and that's it. With them, both are unshakeable insofar as logic is concerned. That it makes them saps playing into ISIS's hands and game or that it means they have abandoned basic American and constitutional values or that Trump's proposals are just, plain absurd and unworkable and destructive, none of that matters. You realize this, I suspect. What perhaps you haven't yet realized is that it makes Trump's supporters some sort of uber-Republicans, the vanguard of what the GOPTP has degenerated into.

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