Monday, December 7, 2015

My kingdom for a QB!

Thomas Williams

Will Muschamp just said. "If you don’t get the right QB it affects your entire origination in pro, and college football."

So we the LSU football fans already know why the LSU offense is having so much trouble moving the football, and what Will Muschamp just said about a good QB is so very truer now that we know.

So who should get the blame for LSU not becoming an efficient offense on the football field because Head Coach Les Miles has yet to field a very good QB?

Why did the LSU athletic department keep given Coach Les Miles a raise extension on his yearly Coaching salary coaching the LSU football team, when in fact Les Miles were not going anywhere else to Coach?

Why is the LSU athletic department so full of people who can’t manage their way out of a paper bag?

The trouble with LSU football team moving the football is not just because LSU lacks a good enough QB, but is in the LSU athletic department, and because Les Miles can't coach. And now I also know that the LSU athletic department is run by a bunch of no talented crony good old boys, who doesn't know what the hell they are doing either.

"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings."
Julius Caesar (I, ii, 140-141)

Bowl games, basketball heating up, baseball getting closer: Join an LSU sports chat at noon

( | The Times-Picayune graphic)

By Randy Rosetta, | The Times-Picayune
Email the author | Follow on Twitter
on December 07, 2015 at 9:41 AM, updated December 07, 2015 at 9:53 AM

It's a new week, there is a bowl game to talk about as well as a basketball season about to head into the teeth of the schedule and a baseball season that is suddenly prominent on the horizon.
So how about joining me for a lunch-time confab to chat about LSU sports?
Jump in a little before and I will join the fray after I get my lunch ready.
Bill 6 minutes ago
A few people (including me) were critical of sportswriters who seemed to be over zealous in their coverage of the attempt at firing Coach Miles.

Do you think the coverage was just writers doing their jobs, or was there a bit of bitterness because Miles didn't allow writers to get close to the players and coaches?

If it was the latter, do you think Coach Miles will allow more access next season? What is your opinion of the restrictions on the press. 
Bill 12 minutes ago
Is it a bad thing to look forward to this year's bowl game? LSU vs Texas Tech could be a high scoring entertaining game.

Unfortunately I read all the remarks from people who look at this as the failure bowl. What ever happened to the idea of supporting the team? Old fashioned?
Bill 16 minutes ago
I see so many posters on NOLA who continually post hateful (not just critical) comments about LSU. It seems their only desire is to bash the Tigers.

I know about free speech. But is this the only reason NOLA allows this to continue (50 shades of gray gump come to mind)
Miles the Best
Miles the Best: 8 minutes ago
@Bill I can be even more specific.  These are copied and pasted forum rules...NOT my rules but supposed community rules.  Not only does the poster you mention violate these rules but I can list about 10 others who do the same.  They repeat the same post time and time again on multiple topics and also post about Les Miles in topics that have 0 to do with Les Miles.  I report these violations and I think you can guess what happens to these anti-LSU, anti-Les Miles trolls!  0 happens to them...their posts aren't even removed  Absolutely disgraceful!

"Do not post the same message in multiple locations on the site"
"Keep your messages on topic for the particular discussion you are involved in"
Bill 5 minutes ago
@Miles the Best @Bill I've flagged him also. Nothing seems to happen.
TigerRock: 31 minutes ago
RR-Hope you a good Thanksgiving with family. And an early Merry Christmas to you sir.
The basketball game against N. Florida was quite a show. I was able to watch a rerun on my "watchespn" app. Damn they had a couple of kids that could fill it up. Through the early season games I thought LSU stood around quite a bit while Simmons handled the ball out front. I was amazed at the movement away from the ball when JJ moved Ben inside. I think that opens up the outside for a lot of spot up 3's, not to mention players cutting to the hoop. What did you think about him playing more inside than through the first 6-7 games?

On the baseball front, I was surprised that Godfrey (sp) decided to transfer. What is it with kids today when things don't look good for them? You would like to think that he would have been motivated to no end if he thought a rotation spot was on the line. Where in the hell is the competitive spirit and fire that makes you a better ballplayer? Is it too easy for kids to just cut bait and transfer? 

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