Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Paul Ryan has his point of view that a lot of other Americans doesn't have

Thomas Williams

Paul Ryan has his point of view that a lot of other Americans doesn't have. You can discriminate against Muslims if they are killing you. I saw Paul Ryan come on TV and say Trump is not talking like a conservative. If the Republican Party doesn’t get behind Donald Trump in the next Presidential election Hillary Clinton will become President and this country’s society will only suffer more.

So now am I to believe that the Washington DC establishment want you and me to feel guilty for using our common sense. Trump is not saying that he hates Muslims, he is simply trying to get a handle on making the American people safe.

No one is saying that they want to discriminate against anybody. No! There is something else in play here in this Washington DC establishment, who want to make the American people (who think in an American traditional way) the bad guys. When in fact it is the Washington DC establishment, and media, who are acting socially fanatical over taking political correct speech into crazy land.


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