Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Whose team and country do you belong to?

Thomas Williams

People visiting other country’s need to obey that country’s visa law, or they will get removed from that country. The United States is operating like an open border country because of the political view point of President Barack Obama and the Ivy League social liberal dictates instead of the laws on the United States books. The Progressive liberal political movement now seems to be making up their own visa laws, as they practice their politics day after day. And of course that is also against the United States Visa laws as written.
Our country needs to deal with the reality of the fanatical killers who are now getting into our country, witness the San Bernardino shooting. So we need to control our borders in a more common sense way or the people living in America are going to come under attack by these same Islamic fanatics. Why is the Washington DC establishment, and media taking the Islamic Muslim side against the Jews, Americans, and Donald Trump?
The Middle Eastern people are coming to America in greater number, why?
So I hope that our American countryman lead each other against getting murdered by these Islamic Muslim fanatics ever again. In spite of this country media wishes to roll over and play dead to all Muslims everywhere. And I am appalled to see and hear that the American media is taken the side of Muslims against American. Especially siding with the Middle East Muslims against Donald Trump who now want to better control the enforcement of this country’s Immigration laws.
I do not agree with the people who are supporting Muslims over the safety of the American people, we don't know who these Muslims people are, so until we know we must make sure.

So just like Donald Trump, I know what team and country that I belong to also. And now I want to know is our American media really a bunch of social fanatics too.

Congress to Consider Easing Passage into U.S. for Immigrants

Congressional source: 'The amendment is intended to be a response to Trump’s statement' about Muslims

December 9, 2015 7:53 pm

Congress is set to vote on Thursday on what some have called an “unprecedented” right that would allow immigrants easier access to relocate to the United States, according to new legislation offered by a Democratic senator.

The legislation, which is being offered by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D., Vt.) as an amendment to a larger bill governing nuclear safety, would prohibit the U.S. government from barring any individual from entering the country based on their religion.


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