Thursday, December 10, 2015

The liberal TV Show is losing their audience applause.

Thomas Williams

What should really worry the liberal politicians, media, and Hillary Clinton, is that they are now so disconnected with their audience, and the American people like you and me.

No one around me dislikes Muslim per se just because they are Muslim, but simply understand that the terrorist are Islamic Muslims. And the American people of all religion, and races, must get a hand on these terror attack like the San Bernardino massacre.

It is not the American people fault that these Islamic Muslims have become blood sucking pestilence now roaming across the college campus, countryside, and world, full of fanatical religious revenge.

I think that the Ivy League academia wise guys have lost their minds calling the people living in a traditional American way of life ugly bad names, like bigots, or worse.

And I keep feeling like something else is in the underlining motivation behind the liberal Ivy League people talking and behaving like the American people are always the reason that other people want to harm them.

And that kind of liberal political speech now on television has becoming very old news that is full of nothing but bull talk to me. So what in the Hell do the liberals like President Barack Obama expect from us, to disarm, and allow yourself to be murdered? Our American media is behaving unbearable bad in the way that they are accusing other people of the very thing that they themselves are guilty of, in this political self-serving way.

I don't know if Donald Trump will be a good President, how could I? But so far Trump is much better then this liberal Democratic Party, media, who has made a horrible mess out of our US Government ability to simply defend ourselves. 


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CBS/NY Times12/4 - 12/8.
35%....Trump +19

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