Monday, October 31, 2016

So I needed to comment on the Huffington Post propaganda political story.

Harry Reid
Thomas Williams

I was reading the news headlines Harry Reid Blasts FBI Director James Comey Email Probe. So I needed to comment on the Huffington Post propaganda political story.
comments in Huffington Post.
Thomas Williams ·
Dirty Harry Reid is a political hack, and Jim Comey is a federal prosecutor. Dingy Harry keeps proving that he is truly a very politically dirty person all the way through.
Like · Reply · 2 mins
Shane Shepherd
The former boxer in Harry is coming out again. He always saves his best punching combos for Republicans. He's right about Mr. Comey too. The man is toast as head of the FBI either way.
Like · Reply · 413 · 11 hrs
Karen Joan Dietz ·
FBI Director is a fixed ten-year term, though, isn't it? I read only one FBI Director has been removed since 1972.
Like · Reply · 31 · 10 hrs · Edited
Bobby Dennis ·
He was toast anyway. When the smoke clears, Obama will need someone to throw under the bus, which will be Hillary, and also throw the baby out with the bathwater. Obama owns this. He hired BOTH of them.,
Like · Reply · 28 · 10 hrs
Jasper Johns ·
I would assume the first action by HRC is to call for his resignation.
Like · Reply · 144 · 10 hrs

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