Saturday, January 4, 2020

"Trump's reelection campaign kicks off 'in the name of Jesus Christ'"

  • Stephen Marx The anti-Christ abuses the holy name. On the 11th day of Christmas, it's 2020 + 4, Donald Trump gave to me: new Iran war, American deaths, oil price jumped, 11 friends, indicted & convicted, colleagues in jail (Manafort, Cohen, etc), others awaited jail sentences (Flynn, Stone), inappropriate friendships to USSR, Saudi Arabia (Kashoggi bone saw), and Israel; lost Syria and abandoned ally Kurds, cozied up to rightist dictators Putin (Russia), Bolsonaro (Brazil), Netanyahu (Israel), Erdogan (Turkey), Duterte (Philippines), Fox Fake News, bullying, Where's My Roy Cohn?, wind mills, religion, and God; ICE raids and deportations, family separations and #kidsincages, concentration camps, trashed the homeless, weak, poor, and slums; building a #wallagainstMexico, eminent domain, blocked immigration especially Muslim and Latino, blasted LGBTQ, OMG Pence as POTUS, voter suppression, school shootings and temple defacings , owned by NRA, AK-47s, impeached and stuck in House, #Trumpbribed Ukraine's president (#VolodymyrZelensky), "perfect" conversation, #Whistleblower unmasking, recalled a loyal Ukraine ambassadress (#MarieYovanovich), #RudyGiuliani surrogate in Ukraine (their Parnas and Fruhman indicted in NY; foreign cash), faked Ukraine interfere in USA 2016 election, withheld impeachment records & testimony from sycophants (Pence, Pompeo, Mulvaney, Bolton, Barr, McCann, etc etc), plotted with McConnell #MerrickGarland and phone Senate trial, trade wars, soft on Fascism, flipped his opinions unpredictably, claimed a "#stablegenius", ignored advice from Pentagon, Intelligence Agencies, and scientists, undermined NATO, anti-Global, broke away from #ParisClimate and #TransPacific and Iran nuclear accords, claimed denuclearization of North Korea, lost all credibility in international community, laughed by Nato, trade wars, tariffs, narcissism, insecure about small hands etc etc, inherited Obama boom, passed a huge tax cut for the 1% rich, loopholes, golden parachutes, slashed social programs, appointed right-wing judges, cozied to Evangelicals & KKK, inflamed Right, neo-Nazis and Fascists, accepted illegal #emoluments, tried to block free choice for women, #RoevsWade, exploit resources & pollute, anti-science, stole thru his charities for himself and his family, sold bogus degrees to unaw #GrabbedPussy", Jeff Epstein murdered??, paid his whores for silence, stole from his investors by serial #Trumpbankruptcies, foreclosures, blocked #Trumptaxreturns, serial lies to American public, tried to gut Obamacare, dissed most of the generals in his personal employment, avoided the draft with #bonespurs, offended the families of deceased American heroes, including #JohnMcCain & other #GoldStar families, gave wrongful pardons to two war criminal US Seals, Navy Sec'y resigned, and on and on and on. How much can any loyal American be numb and blind to?
    • Jackie Boudreaux-Poteet Stephen Marx tired, tedious rhetoric... no facts, no substance, no thoughtful discussion. Just rants, leftist talking points, and blind hatred. For someone who is supposedly so educated, you come across as woefully ignorant and at times stupid. I would ask that you back up your crazy statements and suppositions with stone-cold facts and reason.
  • Terry Racine Yes. I'm sure Jesus would love illegal wars, embargoes, sanctions, regime change, assassinations, etc... But, belief on...

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