Saturday, January 4, 2020

"Yes, and who are very embarrassing to America forefathers legacy off true freedom, so get a grip mainstream media and bring back deterrence against evil."

  • It's funny, I was just having this discussion about a month ago with an Arab woman I know. She pointed to her hemline (which wasn't terribly short) and said, "This would be a death sentence."
    I think the real lesson here is how fast authoritarians can take over lives. We do well to remember that there are leftists in America who aspire to the same level of totalitarianism that the mullahs "achieved" in Iran. Their monomaniacal obsession with seizing our means of self-defense is just one of the many dead giveaways.
    Barry Goldwater was right. "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice." Let's get the lefties on a leash.
    • Joe Rocco Nobody ever thinks something like that can happen. That's why it happens.
      • Jeffrey Anthony Exactly. Tehran was the Paris of the Middle East. So was Beirut.

        Funny, now Paris is becoming the Beirut of Europe. Talk about things no one ever thought would happen...
    • Thomas Williams Rachel Gaspard Olson - CNN called him a revered leader. They have some screws loose. They don't care about the flag-draped caskets
      Thomas Williams - Yes, and who are very embarrassing to America forefathers legacy off true freedom, so get a grip mainstream media and bring back deterrence against evil.
      Rachel Gaspard Olson Thomas Williams - if we lived like our forefathers, half the people in this country wouldn't survive.

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